Tag Archives: Pro Se Court Abuse

Narcissist in Court – Always Blame Opposing Party!

Bad Faith and Dirty Tricks,

Wait that’s Eric Noveshen’s Strategy

Does anyone really believe that every single lawyer/ party opposing Eric Noveshen in 43 cases is guilty of “bad faith and dirty legal tricks”? Doubtful, but it sounds good, he thinks. Most  lawyers would have to answer to the Bar for the kind of legal conduct Noveshen practices every day. Why does he get away with it well because he’s Pro Se. He can do what he wants and faces no repercussions. Maybe it’s time Noveshen got slapped with some sanctions and attorney fees. Not to mention he should pay the $ 1-MILLION-DOLLAR Judgment he owes these people.

Something Needs to End his Mockery of the Judicial system.



From KRG /Pembrook Pines v. Eric Noveshen

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech


Abuse of Florida Courts, Eric Noveshen’s 42 Cases

A November 9th blog, “Noveshen wants Pity, Plays Attorney,” referenced the Broward County resident’s 29 frivolous cases since 2005. We looked closer into it and would like to make a correction. Since 2002 Eric Noveshen was sued,  or counter-sued a person /company in 42 cases since 2003! We were asked if we have a list. Took a while but we found one.

The worst kind of Pro Se litigant is the one who thinks he’s smarter than other lawyers and even the judge. Broward County’s version of Roy Pearson (the infamous “pants lawsuit”) where Pearson demanded $67 million because a dry cleaner fried his pants. Noveshen is almost that extreme. He abuses and uses local and Federal courts, it appears, to clear his credit card debts, to live free without having to pay mortgage or property taxes and to exact revenge on those he has stolen money from who dared try to collect. The sick part is he seems to enjoy it. Noveshen wrote on his Facebook, “Eric Noveshen is a legal eagle.” After getting The Honorable Judge Horowitz to requse himself – after Noveshen tried three times and finally got his way by personally insulting the Judge.

Noveshen has sued as a plaintiff or filed a counter-suit in over 29 cases since 2005. (Correction – 42 cases in 12 years)

42 vexatious cases demonstrate Noveshen’s dirty legal tactics: Lies in pleadings; stall tactics (filing worthless appeals to the 4th DCA of Florida); Disregard for Federal and State Rules of Civil Procedure; Using friendships with Judges and Mediators to win favor in his cases.

Eric Noveshen Broward Court HouseEric Noveshen entering the Employees and Attorney’s Only Entrance at Broward Court House

Noveshen Cases 1

Noveshen Cases 2

Noveshen Cases 3Noveshen Cases 5Noveshen Cases 4