Consultant Puts Magnifying Glass on Company by Writing it Into a Lawsuit

Did the men running micro stock Pure Hospitality Solutions miscalculate when they allowed Eric Noveshen manipulate a financial report to meet the needs of the defamation lawsuit he filed this year?


Noveshen had a hand in falsely writing into quarterly and annual financial disclosure reports for PNOW that the company severed ties with him. “The company unilaterally determined to retroactively terminate the consulting agreement with this consultant due to certain groups of individuals that are posting false and defamatory attacks about the company which are somehow tied to this consultant.”

Read it out loud, it is not only out of place it shows that they allow manipulation of financial reports. Thus adding credibility to hundreds of online claims made during the last four years that PNOW is a penny stock that has manipulated financial disclosure.

It’s no secret that Noveshen and his longtime friend and business associate Ajene Watson are part of the consulting team pulling the strings behind the penny stock PNOW. It’s been documented all over for years before Noveshen claims the “false and defamatory remarks” were put on the internet about him.

Hey, Noveshen needs to add a few words to a company financial report to make a court believe he had damages, no big deal, anything for a friend.

In allowing PNOW to become part of Noveshen’s case is like putting it on trial for being a pump and dump. At very least it keeps PNOW in the public discussion and knows when the SEC or FINRA started looking.

The lawsuit that crawls under Noveshen’s skin due to all the public commentary about it on the internet is called Allen v. Ajene Watson, et al. It was filed in Florida in 2012 and internet commentary began immediately and never stopped.


That lawsuit detailed how Noveshen, Watson and others sweet talked their way into becoming the “consulting team” for penny stock company Simulated Environment Concepts, SMEV, in 2009, then set in motion a “pump and dump” scam. It also states that the group, including Noveshen and Watson did similar scams on other companies, Edoorways, EDWY and Oriens Travel – which changed its name in 2014 to Pure Hospitality Solutions, PNOW. Likely because the owner of the company, Allen Licht was acting as his own lawyer, it goes into the most minor details of how they pulled off the scam. Including inserting a transfer agent who would play ball, Christopher Day, (who recently got in trouble with the SEC). They also “inserted” Noveshen’s mother as the book keeper.

These facts and opinions have been written about since 2012. Is Noveshen going to sue everyone who ever wrote that Edoorways, Simulated Environment Concepts and Pure Hospitality Solutions were pump and dump scams? If so he needs to add a lot of names to the defendant list.

What a hoot!

** Below, readers thoughts on the subject

“This is NOT AT ALL a good thing for Gary or EDWY. Ajene Watson was a “consultant” for EDWY, so they really cannot claim ignorance on this one.”

“This makes me happy that the scum that have been doing this are getting busted, but I do feel bad for the innocents that will learn about stinky pinkies the hard way.

All someone has to do is read the lawsuit. Again has nothing to do with edwy. Mentioned that edwy was a victim. The whole thing is much to do about nothing really. Just noise.

See GARY was 100% RIGHT HERE! EDWY has nothing to do with that lawsuit first off. You cant twist this any other way.

Remember back 3 years ago when watson and Ian mitchel tried to take over EDWY. EDWY’s complaint was a failed take over attempt. This just adds to Gary’s claim about these scum bags. Now here is proof about the whole thing. Watson and Mitchel are apparently getting theres. Karma is a b*tch!

Its seems someone else had problems with these guys, not just EDWY.
More proof! Makes me feel good!”

Broward Courts – Cut Vexatious Litigation Free Up Money $ for Security

Frivolous Litigation Broward Court


When a man accused of murder jumped out of a jury box just prior to a hearing and escaped from the Broward County Courthouse on Friday, July 15th, the internet blew up with commentary declaring who was to blame.–386997511.html

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said lack of funding for security is partly to blame.

“We have been battling with Broward County for three years now asking for adequate staffing for a courthouse that was understaffed since the day I became Sheriff of Broward County,” Israel said in a press conference Friday morning. “If the County is listening we need more money, we need more people.”

People flocked to sites like to voice their opinions, many saying it was an inside job.



The comments are comical to read and spot on. Sheriff Israel on Sunday stopped short of saying it was an inside job but did say the escapee had accomplices and could not explain how the suspect got out of handcuffs or had a key for the cuffs. Four people have been arrested in connection with the escape so far.

Maybe Broward County should cut down on the amount of frivolous litigation it allows and the County Commissioners would have MORE MONEY FOR COURTHOUSE SECURITY for real litigation. Might also cut down on the amount of lawyers, court reporters and court affiliated readers who label Broward Courts a “circus” in courthouse news commentary.

In one quick search online as a layperson with no court affiliation you can find seven individuals, including Eric Noveshen, who have filed litigation this year who can legally be deemed a vexatious litigant. If given the access Chief Judge Weinstein and his staff have to court filings that number is much higher. Someone needs to start cross-referencing, building a better list of vexatious litigants and not be afraid to declare them VL. Sure frivolous filers will march to the Fourth DCA to appeal the decision of the unlucky Judge who has to make that call, its the nature of the vexatious beast. But the issue is black and white as outlined by the Florida Supreme Court. Someone either meets the criteria of a vexatious litigant or not.

Weinstein and Broward County Commissioners should encourage and support and Judges who enforce Florida’s vexatious litigant law. It serves the residents of Broward for the Courts to cut down on frivolous litigation so the Court can serve those with legit litigation at the best capacity. That includes keeping court-goers safe.

Once a plaintiff or counter plaintiff pays the $400 filing fee they can file motions for years without ever paying another dime. After the $400 filing fee, tax payers pick up the bill for for the clerks, security, other court staff and the Judge to handle frivolous lawsuits. This must be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The frivolous filers should foot the bill, not tax payers. This would certainly free up money to staff Broward’s Courts with additional deputies and security. And for the courthouse to police those who might be involved with inside fraud jobs such as assisting in an escape.

Eric Noveshen Vexatious Litigant

Noveshen Asking the Court to Conceal Stories about his Abuse of Courts

Ft. Lauderdale Man Refuses to Pay Mortgage, Ties Lender Up in Court

Noveshen’s Five Frivolous Steps To Avoid Paying Credit Card Bills

Novsehen sued by American Express

Avoid Foreclosure While Not Paying Your Mortgage, in Broward Court like Noveshen, Deny-Delay

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech




Lil Wayne – Avoid Your American Express Bill With this 5-Step Frivolous Litigation Technique!

Novsehen sued by American Express

What does Eric Novsehen have in common with rap star Lil Wayne? Both are being sued by American Express according to court documents filed in the last six weeks.

Lil Wayne is being sued for $86,396.75 in unpaid bills. Eric Noveshen was sued in Broward County, Florida in 2008 by American Express for a similar amount, $81,354.24. Noveshen was sued again by Amex in June 2016 for $29,000 for new unpaid bills.

Behold the 5-Step Eric Noveshen Wipe-Out-Debt with Frivolous Litigation Playbook

It works! By running American Express to the Broward Courts for six years, Noveshen was able to get them to settle his $81K debt for only $30,000 and he didn’t have to pay a dime of legal fees! That’s $50,000 of FREE MONEY Noveshen got to spend on the dime of other Amex card holders. 


The only downside, you have to file A LOT of FRIVOLOUS motions. See how many here:

Amex V Wilson Noveshen Docket

Young Money Welcome to Free Money! Here’s how it works: 

Claim Credit Card Company Harassed You, Wipe Out Your Debt!

1. First claim you were not served:


2. Play Victim. Claim AmEx is “harassing” and causing you “emotional discomfort” by trying to collect the money you owe them: 

adccamexScam to Avoid Credit Card Eric Noveshencc33amex

3. Ask the Judge to sanction Amex for trying to collect money you owe them.

4. When American Express gets a judgment despite all your frivolous filings, file an appeal at your state Appeals Court. This delays and maybe Amex will settle with you:

Frivolous Appeal Florida 4th DCA

5. You are likely to lose the appeal, as Noveshen did. But by this time Amex will have spent so much legal money they might agree to mediation.

Pull some strings and find a mediator office you have a friend of a friend who works there like people speculate Noveshen did. Amex lawyers won’t know and may not care they are only hired by Amex, you’ll have a leg up.

Noveshen did exactly that and after six years of burdening the Broward Court of Florida with frivolous litigation he was able to settle his $80,000 bill for less than half – $30,000. – $50,000 of free money for Noveshen at the expense of Broward County tax payers and American Express card holders who pay more in fees for frivolous litigation like this. But we think Noveshen relates to your lyrics: You observin it, I’m absorbin it, Judge mad cause a n—a make more than him.” 

Novsehen sued by American Express


Eric Noveshen /his company Bridgwater Advisors were sued agiain by American Express for unpaid bills of $29,000. You can watch that case to see if Noveshen has any new legal tricks up his sleeve to get out of paying debt. It’s brilliant on one hand, on the other it’s a shame the legal system allows it to burden the courts.

Noveshen refuses to pay American Express - Again

Noveshen refuses to pay American Express - Again


Breaking News: Broward Courthouse Evacuated

Breaking News: Broward County courthouse evacuated after murder suspect escapes.


The 21-year-old inmate facing death row is Dayonte Resiles. He is accused of murdering a woman in her Davie home back in 2014.

According to courthouse officials, Resiles was being unshackled at the time of his escape at the Broward County Courthouse, located at 201 SE 6th St. This was part of normal procedure, officials said, before his hearing.

After the escape, everyone in the courthouse was quickly directed outside. At least five helicopters hovered above the scene and police blocked off the road.


Oops! Eric Noveshen Sued by American Express – Again

Noveshen refuses to pay American Express - Again

OOPS…. Eric Noveshen did it again! Charged thousand$$ on his American Express Card, sent them a check that bounced and now is being sued for the second time by American Express.

Any guesses how Noveshen will handle this one? Will he deny part of the bill is his like he did in 2008 when he lied and said close to $20,000 was fraud? Will he get his pro se litigant guns loaded and head to the Broward Court house and embark on another six year legal battle with American Express?

One thing is for sure – every other American Express card holder in the WORLD pays higher fees due to financial misconduct like this.

Did Noveshen ever pay off the last American Express judgment? That judgment was for over $80,000 he and his mother charged but refused to pay. Noveshen played the system to get it knocked down to $30,000. More fees for Amex holders who actually pay their bills!

Noveshen refuses to pay American Express - Again

For more information from the last American Express lawsuit against Eric Noveshen and his mother read here:

Claim Credit Card Company Harassed You, Wipe Out Your Debt!

Credit Card Fraud



Noveshen refuses to pay American Express - Again


Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech

Is Noveshen Still Denying Involvement with Pump & Dump Stock Scams?

Is Eric Noveshen still denying that he has ever been involved with microcap stock fraud? -Noveshen keeps insisting he was never involved in a pump-and-dump stock scam. Did he forget about Itronics? It was a long time ago but he can’t even remember that he’s involved with Pure Hospitality Solutions, as of, when was the last deposit he got from selling shares of PNOW? Likely within the last couple months. Investors pay consultants of penny stocks, get no return and are forgotten – quickly. Don’t be a victim.

Microcap Stock Fraud Noveshen