Tag Archives: securities fraud

Noveshen Still Insists he Had No Ties to NIR Fund

Why does Eric Noveshen keep insisting he had no ties to the now defunct NIR fund when there is so much evidence to the contrary?

Maybe something to do with the massive SEC investigation and all the lawsuits that shut the New York based NIR Group down.


New Regime, Same Goals: Inform, Expose Truth

A Personal farewell.
In November 2015 I agreed to take over this blog for six months. Then it was inconceivable that one man could generate enough solid news worthy public documents detailing fraud and other strife to cover more than six months. Wrong. Noveshen continues to fire off documents detailing his hypocrisies, frauds and illustrating how his mind control of a few makes him no more than a propaganda spewing dictator. 
Eric Noveshen is a propaganda machine. He is a one man conspirator who takes others under his wing turns them and they must operate in total secrecy as he convinces them the conspiracy is against “me” or “us.” It is made easier with a mother that appears genetically different in build, height, eye and hair color. She either plays his conspiracy, pity me game very well or more likely taught him how to play it and guilt persuades her to feed the beast she manufactured. Noveshen makes the decisions, dictates the actions to his disciples. The Noveshen conspiracy only works because he alone controls the flow of information. Noveshen even controlled the flow of information of this blog while it sat idle for almost a year until the original creator agreed to step down.   
Articulating the many atrocities committed openly exposes Noveshen to resistance and he does not like resistance to his mandates. Hence Noveshen’s crusade to stop any reporting done about him. To bury it on page five. Noveshen’s efforts are non-persuasive. Reposts of sports scores is weak. Nothing original because he keeps his real missions secret among those who agree to be part of the conspiracy. Posting decade old photographs on sites like Classmates – where for some unknown reason he states he graduated from Castor Valley high school (he did not) are as weak or more. 
To change the public ideologue Noveshen must change his behavior and that he will not do. Dictators do not take orders even when they know they are wrong. He stomps his feet and cries foul in court to feed his co-conspirators one more lie to keep him afloat another day
Noveshen claims he went into finance because he sees himself as a Bud Fox. The Charlie Sheen of the 80s, powerful wealthy, not bad on the eyes. Noveshen is not even a 2015 Charlie Sheen. In person Noveshen, with his blood-shot angry eyes and middle tire, is more a cross of Hannibal Lecter and Larry the Cable Guy (humble opinion).
Eyes desperate to render reporting of Noveshen’s true actions, including non-profit media pages like this, obsolete. This hinders the ability of Noveshen’s co-conspirators to process and decode the facts and public documents on this site for themselves. Dictators only work if they can keep their fans ignorant of the truth and infiltrate with fear. Noveshen attempts to cover his mis-deeds with the same patterns over and over. It is time to find a different decoy. The woman he sent in the moo-moo sneaking into the office during non-hours. Naming the same cases in motion after motion with the same trite wording serves only to expose the attorneys who let Noveshen file under their bar number. Did they think everyone too stupid to notice that a man who did not graduate from college writes the anger filed pages? This points to the conspiracy functions of the attorneys, “business associates” and others Noveshen surrounds himself with.

The swath of secrets and those willing to perpetuate his lies keeps Noveshen afloat. 

It is pathetic hearing Noveshen and his shills lament how he is a target how justice for him is impossible when he claims outside of the other side of his mouth, laughing, how he has lawyers eating out of his hand claiming they learn from me.
Intriguing as it might be to be taught law school lessons by Hannibal and Larry, I will pass. I leave you in good hands. My successor is every bit as troubled by the beast and motivated to help prevent others from falling victim to Noveshen scams by exposing them. The rules remain the same: to be published a story must be based on evidence. Documents are preferred. The twenty or so videos we’ve been sent of Noveshen walking in and out of airports, restaurants and bars does not educate or inform potential investors or loan officers. Documentation of Noveshen’s gaming, refusals to pay bills, loans and the legal windstorm he creates when people / companies attempt to collect Noveshen’s debts is the kind of news reported here. Do svidaniya.  

Is Noveshen Still Denying Involvement with Pump & Dump Stock Scams?

Is Eric Noveshen still denying that he has ever been involved with microcap stock fraud? -Noveshen keeps insisting he was never involved in a pump-and-dump stock scam. Did he forget about Itronics? It was a long time ago but he can’t even remember that he’s involved with Pure Hospitality Solutions, as of, when was the last deposit he got from selling shares of PNOW? Likely within the last couple months. Investors pay consultants of penny stocks, get no return and are forgotten – quickly. Don’t be a victim.

Microcap Stock Fraud Noveshen



US Attorney General: Why did Eric Noveshen Walk Away but Daryl Dworkin Had to Pay?

US Attorney General, how much more securities fraud are you going to let Eric Noveshen get away with?

Why did Daryl Dworkin have to pay back the $375,000 kick back money and fines but Noveshen didn’t have to pay a dime of restitution?

Why are two men guilty of the same securities crimes but only one is sentenced and fined?

Why was Eric Noveshen’s cut of the Medgen money laundered “consulting fees” left for him to enjoy? Did he even pay taxes on that money? Probably not, he’s allowed to commit tax evasion too? Noveshen has some serious power with the SEC and IRS, not even an hand slap.

Does the SEC and Dept. of Justice know or care how many investors have been hurt in six years since they let Eric Noveshen walk away from his criminal acts? Check with investors in these microcap stocks ….EDWY, SMEV, SLGS, PNOW (formerly OTHM), HIMR, GAHC, BMIN and more. 

Transcript from United States of America v. Daryl Dworkin 







“You Up Ta Speed on Shorting?”


Yesterday’s blog, “Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees” generated a lot of emails. One claimed to have been a victim of the NIR, Daryl Dworkin, Eric Noveshen, Medgen PR scam. Almost any email of relevance said look at the pattern of shorting.

Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam – Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees

This is what Pdgood said on http://www.investorshub.com too, “You up ta speed on shorting? Eric wants no part of the questions that would be asked about Medgen, Robins as CEO of ECMH…Eric was front and center in all these scams.” 

As explained, Noveshen was a PIPE deal finder for a New York hedge fund NIR. Noveshen found small or struggling companies that needed funding. He would offer funding from NIR, with a catch. The company had to pay large fees for PR, to a PR company chosen by NIR. That company was Boca Raton based Medgen, a money laundering factory disguised as a producer of holistic health products.

The PR money was and split between Dworkin of NIR, Noveshen of Envision Capital, and Paul Kravitz head of Medgen.

From the affidavit of the CEO of the Juniper Group, an NIR (AJW Funds) funded company confirmed that the funded companies were required to pay money to Medgen (Paul Kravitz) for “PR” and “Consulting”.




Source: http://www.investorshub.com

NIR illegally shorted a long list of stocks of the companies it funded. The pattern of shorting and other securities frauds committed by NIR is spelled out in many lawsuits against NIR and its AJW Funds. Note* it fits the same pattern of stock manipulation that Ajene Watson and Eric Noveshen are accused of in the Simulated Technologies/Licht v. Watson lawsuit.

Read for yourselves….very similar illegal patterns. Dworkin and Ribotsky are out of the game for a few years, but Ajene Watson and Eric Noveshen have carried on these stock manipulations in other stocks such as Oriens (OTHM), changed name to Pure Hospitality (PNOW) in 2014. Stock fraudster hospitality, if you’re an investor you’ll never forget it. 






EMTA Short.jpg

EMTA Short2




Allen Licht v. Ajene Watson, et. al 




More details of this case found here: 

Highlights of Noveshen Pump and Dump

More information on stock shorting:

Regulators Investigating Firms Sub-Account Use in Shorting Stocks

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech

Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam – Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees

Eric Noveshen Securities Fraud, Chapter One:  Medgen

Look at the Medgen connection. Funds were laundered through Medgen via consulting fees..Drill inta those underlyin docs that support the 800k…at least a small portion.” 


Source – http://www.investorshub.com 

If you want to understand a story you have to start at the beginning. Why was Eric Noveshen issued a federal indictment in 2010? How did Eric Noveshen get in a position to loan Automatic Slims over $1-million dollars in 2006? How did Noveshen get so tight with Arthur Robbins? How did Noveshen get in a position to pay Cosi $400,000 for the franchise rights to open shops in South Florida? – Medgen.

We love Investorshub.com – its essential if you want to learn about penny land. In particular these screen names share a wealth of knowledge -Janice Shell, cyberbullymouse, nodummy and renee are just some who post essential information.

We can’t forget pdgood, who once said his info might be early, but it’s never off topic. We should have looked into his advice regarding the Eric Noveshen scam story long ago.

Here’s how Noveshen ended up with all that money. Noveshen was a PIPE deal finder for a New York hedge fund called NIR – that was sued and shut down by the SEC for many securities violations in 2011. Noveshen found small or struggling companies that needed funding. The white knight would offer funding from NIR, with a catch. The company had to pay large fees for PR, to a PR company chosen by NIR.

Here’s where it gets twisted. Boca Raton based company Medgen supposedly was “establised to manufacture, sell and license healthcare products” according to a company report below. But they didn’t make money doing that so “management started a Financial Consulting service.” – The PR service NIR required companies they funded to use. 


The consulting fees show up in the financial reports that PD said to drill into. He was point on, 100% correct.


Source – http://www.investorshub.com



In the end of 2007, Medgen reported a 191% increase in YTD revenue. What? Sounds like those impossible Madoff numbers. But it wasn’t from their BS snoring solution it was from consulting fees laundered through an alternative health product company.

In one quarter there were near $800,000 in consulting fees buried in the report. Noveshen had to kicks some of that back to Daryl Dworkin who was Noveshen’s insider at NIR. In 2010 Dworkin pleaded guilty to taking kickback money from two PIPE deal finders, Eric Noveshen was one of them.


Corrupt Pipe Deal Finder 5


What a scam huh? We told you Noveshen was a great financial scam artist. Read em for yourselves here:

medgen ending 2007

Medgen report 2008

2nd quarter ended 3/31/08, Product sales: $72,937    Fees Consulting Services: $419,411  ??





Did no one think it odd that a company that produced natural health care products suddenly added “consulting” and “PR services” and revenues suddenly shot up 191%?

Our information might be early, it might be late, but it is never off topic. When Noveshen tells you this site is full of hogwash “drill” into the documents for yourselves folks. Wish we had long ago. If we can save one person from being defrauded by Eric Noveshen then we can sleep at night without Snorez!

We wonder, the federal indictment that Noveshen got sealed by rolling on NIR’s Daryl Dworkin in 2010, was Noveshen exonerated of all the money laundering through Medgen too or was he just let off the hook for paying kickbacks to Dworkin? Pocketing a nice cut of $800,000 a quarter for a year isn’t chump change.

As pd said, “THE OCTOPUS HAS MANY TENTICLES” – Noveshen’s financial scams are still going on, this very day in June 2016. Don’t get played by this financial playa! 




Why did the US Attorney General, SEC & DOJ let Eric Noveshen walk after having him on paying illegal kickbacks to NIR Hedge Fund?

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech