Tag Archives: Daryl Dworkin

US Attorney General: Why did Eric Noveshen Walk Away but Daryl Dworkin Had to Pay?

US Attorney General, how much more securities fraud are you going to let Eric Noveshen get away with?

Why did Daryl Dworkin have to pay back the $375,000 kick back money and fines but Noveshen didn’t have to pay a dime of restitution?

Why are two men guilty of the same securities crimes but only one is sentenced and fined?

Why was Eric Noveshen’s cut of the Medgen money laundered “consulting fees” left for him to enjoy? Did he even pay taxes on that money? Probably not, he’s allowed to commit tax evasion too? Noveshen has some serious power with the SEC and IRS, not even an hand slap.

Does the SEC and Dept. of Justice know or care how many investors have been hurt in six years since they let Eric Noveshen walk away from his criminal acts? Check with investors in these microcap stocks ….EDWY, SMEV, SLGS, PNOW (formerly OTHM), HIMR, GAHC, BMIN and more. 

Transcript from United States of America v. Daryl Dworkin 







“You Up Ta Speed on Shorting?”


Yesterday’s blog, “Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees” generated a lot of emails. One claimed to have been a victim of the NIR, Daryl Dworkin, Eric Noveshen, Medgen PR scam. Almost any email of relevance said look at the pattern of shorting.

Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam – Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees

This is what Pdgood said on http://www.investorshub.com too, “You up ta speed on shorting? Eric wants no part of the questions that would be asked about Medgen, Robins as CEO of ECMH…Eric was front and center in all these scams.” 

As explained, Noveshen was a PIPE deal finder for a New York hedge fund NIR. Noveshen found small or struggling companies that needed funding. He would offer funding from NIR, with a catch. The company had to pay large fees for PR, to a PR company chosen by NIR. That company was Boca Raton based Medgen, a money laundering factory disguised as a producer of holistic health products.

The PR money was and split between Dworkin of NIR, Noveshen of Envision Capital, and Paul Kravitz head of Medgen.

From the affidavit of the CEO of the Juniper Group, an NIR (AJW Funds) funded company confirmed that the funded companies were required to pay money to Medgen (Paul Kravitz) for “PR” and “Consulting”.




Source: http://www.investorshub.com

NIR illegally shorted a long list of stocks of the companies it funded. The pattern of shorting and other securities frauds committed by NIR is spelled out in many lawsuits against NIR and its AJW Funds. Note* it fits the same pattern of stock manipulation that Ajene Watson and Eric Noveshen are accused of in the Simulated Technologies/Licht v. Watson lawsuit.

Read for yourselves….very similar illegal patterns. Dworkin and Ribotsky are out of the game for a few years, but Ajene Watson and Eric Noveshen have carried on these stock manipulations in other stocks such as Oriens (OTHM), changed name to Pure Hospitality (PNOW) in 2014. Stock fraudster hospitality, if you’re an investor you’ll never forget it. 






EMTA Short.jpg

EMTA Short2




Allen Licht v. Ajene Watson, et. al 




More details of this case found here: 

Highlights of Noveshen Pump and Dump

More information on stock shorting:

Regulators Investigating Firms Sub-Account Use in Shorting Stocks

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech

Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam – Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees

Eric Noveshen Securities Fraud, Chapter One:  Medgen

Look at the Medgen connection. Funds were laundered through Medgen via consulting fees..Drill inta those underlyin docs that support the 800k…at least a small portion.” 


Source – http://www.investorshub.com 

If you want to understand a story you have to start at the beginning. Why was Eric Noveshen issued a federal indictment in 2010? How did Eric Noveshen get in a position to loan Automatic Slims over $1-million dollars in 2006? How did Noveshen get so tight with Arthur Robbins? How did Noveshen get in a position to pay Cosi $400,000 for the franchise rights to open shops in South Florida? – Medgen.

We love Investorshub.com – its essential if you want to learn about penny land. In particular these screen names share a wealth of knowledge -Janice Shell, cyberbullymouse, nodummy and renee are just some who post essential information.

We can’t forget pdgood, who once said his info might be early, but it’s never off topic. We should have looked into his advice regarding the Eric Noveshen scam story long ago.

Here’s how Noveshen ended up with all that money. Noveshen was a PIPE deal finder for a New York hedge fund called NIR – that was sued and shut down by the SEC for many securities violations in 2011. Noveshen found small or struggling companies that needed funding. The white knight would offer funding from NIR, with a catch. The company had to pay large fees for PR, to a PR company chosen by NIR.

Here’s where it gets twisted. Boca Raton based company Medgen supposedly was “establised to manufacture, sell and license healthcare products” according to a company report below. But they didn’t make money doing that so “management started a Financial Consulting service.” – The PR service NIR required companies they funded to use. 


The consulting fees show up in the financial reports that PD said to drill into. He was point on, 100% correct.


Source – http://www.investorshub.com



In the end of 2007, Medgen reported a 191% increase in YTD revenue. What? Sounds like those impossible Madoff numbers. But it wasn’t from their BS snoring solution it was from consulting fees laundered through an alternative health product company.

In one quarter there were near $800,000 in consulting fees buried in the report. Noveshen had to kicks some of that back to Daryl Dworkin who was Noveshen’s insider at NIR. In 2010 Dworkin pleaded guilty to taking kickback money from two PIPE deal finders, Eric Noveshen was one of them.


Corrupt Pipe Deal Finder 5


What a scam huh? We told you Noveshen was a great financial scam artist. Read em for yourselves here:

medgen ending 2007

Medgen report 2008

2nd quarter ended 3/31/08, Product sales: $72,937    Fees Consulting Services: $419,411  ??





Did no one think it odd that a company that produced natural health care products suddenly added “consulting” and “PR services” and revenues suddenly shot up 191%?

Our information might be early, it might be late, but it is never off topic. When Noveshen tells you this site is full of hogwash “drill” into the documents for yourselves folks. Wish we had long ago. If we can save one person from being defrauded by Eric Noveshen then we can sleep at night without Snorez!

We wonder, the federal indictment that Noveshen got sealed by rolling on NIR’s Daryl Dworkin in 2010, was Noveshen exonerated of all the money laundering through Medgen too or was he just let off the hook for paying kickbacks to Dworkin? Pocketing a nice cut of $800,000 a quarter for a year isn’t chump change.

As pd said, “THE OCTOPUS HAS MANY TENTICLES” – Noveshen’s financial scams are still going on, this very day in June 2016. Don’t get played by this financial playa! 




Why did the US Attorney General, SEC & DOJ let Eric Noveshen walk after having him on paying illegal kickbacks to NIR Hedge Fund?

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech

Noveshen Current & Past Business Partners

A handful of Eric Noveshen’s current and past business partners. Some are on the up and up, fraudsters often ride the coattails of solid business people. Others are not so trustworthy it’s for investors to decide.

Automatic Slims partner (circa 2008) 

Noveshen and Rubin1

With Jeffrey Rubin, former partner Automatic Slims

Stock consulting/funding partners

Noveshen business partners.jpg

Stock consulting team, Simulated Enviornment Concepts: Israel Bornstein, Eric Noveshen, Ajene Watson. And Edoorways:


Envision Food’s ‘Del Mar Cosi’ & ‘Envision London Square’ Agent

Envision Foods Kitterman

Envision London Square Kitterman

Christina Kitterman, former attorney at Scott Rothstein’s law firm. Kitterman is serving a five year jail sentence for fraud. Kitterman was the business attorney for Noveshen and listed as the registered agent for two of Noveshen’s companies, Envision Foods and Envision London Square. Both companies are now defunct.

Business associate 


Corey Ribotsky, former head of NIR

Ribotsky 310

Ribotsky 317-320

Ribotsky 321-324

Connecting the dots Encompass Holdings, Daryl Dworkin, Eric Noveshen & NIR

Connect the dots….   Daryl Dworkin (then employee of NIR see email address ddworkin@nirgroup.com) + Encompass Holdings + Murry Goldenberg and Arthur Robbins (then CFO and Director of Encompass) + Eric Noveshen (PIPE deal finder for NIR) said to have paid kickbacks to Daryl Dworkin.

Encompass D dworkin letter

Goldenburg and Robbins.png

**Must be approved by NIR

must be approved by NIR

A description of Eric Noveshen/Envision Capital’s involvement with Encompass Holdings and NIR from Investors Hub, the site is a wealth of knowledge.


After being booted out, Envision Capital went after Encompass Holdings in court and had harsh words for Webber, “Scott Webber is a crook who killed his shareholders.” No wonder he holds a grudge, the courts rejected Noveshen / Envision’s attempt to collect for unpaid consulting fees.

pd on envision encompass 2

More mentions of the “Mob on Wall Street” on in June 2015 on Investors Hub.


Mob on wall street

As for the “Mob on Wall Street” guess ya had to be there….






Why did the US Attorney General, SEC & DOJ let Eric Noveshen walk after having him on paying illegal kickbacks to NIR Hedge Fund?


“The case was a complete failure by Loretta Lynch’s office,” this quote from financial reporter Teri Buhl on the case US v. NIR Group might be the understatement of the decade.

From Reporter Teri Buhl’s “SEC Knew Collecting $14.5 Million would Fail”

“At Dworkin’s sentencing hearing in Brooklyn, NY I got to see how the DOJ and SEC lawyers acted in this case. I was surprised by their egos given how little they accomplished. Government lawyers told Judge Dearie they were working hard to recover money for investors but they simply haven’t been able to do it. After the hearing I cornered SEC attorney Kenneth Byrne and a little man with horn rimmed glasses who was running the DOJ case to ask them face to face how they felt about their inability to get justice for investors and collect any money. DOJ attorney Daniel A. Spector scowled at my question and instead of answering it demanded to know my name and who I report for. I said my name was Teri Buhl and you should clearly know who I report for now. (Spector’s predecessor who started the NIR Group case had interviewed me in 2009 to get help finding NIR investors Ribotsky had lied to so I know the DOJ had been reading my reporting.) Attorney Spector’s ego kicked in and gave me a smug look saying they can’t comment on the case except what I heard them say in court. Now after a case is over the DOJ can comment and usually issues a press release. But in this case the PR girl for the DOJ admitted since there was no jail time for Dworkin there wouldn’t be a public comment. Meaning they didn’t want to promote a case that got so little for investors.

As I watched the SEC attorney and the DOJ boys leave the court room and slink into the elevator I did something I rarely do when asking subjects of a story questions. I asserted my opinion. I looked them both in the eye and said, “You should be ashamed of yourself for not doing more for the defrauded investors. You had this case handed to you an a platter.”

SEC knew Collecting $14.5 mn Hedgie Ribotsky fine Would Fail

This blog relates mostly to the injustice of the financial fraud committed by Eric Lance Novesehen of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Where does he fit into this SEC / DOJ colossal failure to protect investors? EVERYWHERE.

The complaint against Daryl Dworkin was filed in 2010 – US v. Daryl Dworkin. The nine page complaint makes reference to Eric Noveshen, though not by name.

“One corrupt PIPE Deal Finder paid approximately $375,000 in kickbacks to defendant DARYL DWORKIN in cash”

It goes on to say “whose identity is known to the United States Attorney.” That’s why Eric Noveshen received a federal indictment and was deposed in this case. What is fishy, shady, questionable is why the SEC /DOJ never prosecuted Eric Noveshen and even sealed his indictment. 

Now approaching 2016, the SEC /DOJ can pat themselves on the back. Their failure to indict, fine or somehow penalize Noveshen for kickbacks and his role in stealing from NIR investors has allowed him scam and steal from investors, businesses and others for another six years! Time to take a second look at the web of fraud Eric Noveshen is still free to weave down there in Florida guys & gals at the SEC & DOJ, and Loretta Lynch too.

US V Dworkin p5.jpg

PIPE Finder Known to US Government

US V Dworkin p7

US V Dworkin p9




Eric Noveshen and the NIR scandal


Eric Noveshen of Envision Capital.

This lawsuit provides a assload a info. Where does NIR fit in? Try everywhere.


All things NIR went through Daryl Dworkin when the machine was workin for Ribotsky. All things Dworkin went through Eric Noveshen. There must be another investigation ready ta break cause I don’t see the names Gelmon, Medgen or Paul Kravitz in this Complaint.

NIR did not hold shares. They used Domestic Securities as their prime brooker and dumped converted shares as soon as the legend was removed. NIR/Dworkin, Noveshen and crew had all the info needed on the NIR funded companies. to run a massive pump and dump along with the sellin of the discounted shares. In the past I posted that the key with NIR was ta figure out and prove how the Hedge Fund was HEDGING outside of the norm. The picture is startin ta develope now with this lawsuit info and names. This stuff is way outside most investors base of knowledge. Most have no idea hoe Friendly Lawsuits fit in as a cost of business.
Dworkin needs to be deposed in this case. Noveshen wasn’t “the feet on the groud in Florida”. He was the feet on the ground in NIR.

Pay attention here readers. The rabbit hole can be weird but it can be mapped. I continue ta mention HLNT cause their founder Mel Robinson is a convicted fraud felon associated with Scott Wilding and his John Curshen group of fine folks. All mentioned in the lawsuit. Just Google Robinson and his group. Friendly lawsuits and all. PWC settled with this clown for 1.1 million in cash and shares. Aint gonna see no cash. Robinson is also tied to David Walters of NIR. Wife Mimi Walters is a Ca. senator and NIR investor. I doubt the Walters are gripin about their NIR looses.

NIR investors had better be on PWC to collect and report. As you’re seein, there aint nothin NIR that isn’t dirty. It goes wide and deep.

SQUEEZE DWORKIN HARD ON THIS ONE. HE KNOWS ALL THE PLAYERS AND THE GAME. When he knew too much and got inta the cookie jar Ribotsky fired his ass. Dworkin should have been doin his time long ago. He aint for a good reason. His pass needs ta tie directly to the truth and exposin all of it. Dworkin”s shaddow was Noveshen. Noveshen is now finally connected to a masdsive pump & dump team as well as the PR shakedown tactic I told ya about years ago.