Warning: Eric Noveshen Scam Websites Beware! He tries to Install Malware

Beware! According to http://www.scamaider.com a site that rates websites for their safety and risk to visitors, warns that Eric Noveshen’s two websites put up in September are not safe.

Avoid sites noveshenfightsback and noveshenscam. Beware! They have bad reviews. Don’t be lured to his websites for investigation about his scams. And check Scam Aider before visiting any sites that could have been created by him or his affiliated companies.

Below is a list of 30 other websites Eric Noveshen currently owns. Use at your own risk!




Disclaimer: This blog is not authored by Eric Noveshen. The facts, documents and opinions expressed herein are shared to offer information about the business practices of Eric L. Noveshen and information about pump & dump stock scams and other common financial scams. This blog is intended for educational purposes only to help others avoid financial fraud. 


Noveshen Accused of Defrauding Companies, False Docs, lies theft

Eric Noveshen’s is most renowned for his ability to spin a “web of deception” in business, allowing him to amass large paydays in a short time frame. One problem; the tactics Noveshen uses as spelled out in the court documents below: lying to investors, companies, business partners, manufacturing fake documents, and covering the pot holes with phony “pep talks” to business leaders who feel their companies crumbling beneath them until he makes it out the door with as much cash as he can – could be considered illegal.

Below, court documents from one example, Noveshen involvement with penny stock Spa Capsule (SMEV). The group behind this pump n dump got LUCKY. The owner’s lawsuit was not successful because he was neither a buyer or seller of the stock and he blew the statue of limitations. Let Allen Licht’s loss be a lesson to anyone potentially doing business with Noveshen. This lawsuit and many others suggest Eric Noveshen is . He is a master of fraud, and master of getting away with it

install his mom as bookkeeper

SMEV 4Eric

SMEV 6Eric

One of the pep talks, “We will succeed together” writes Eric Noveshen. It was a bs email to buy time while they got into place to sell off more stock making it worthless.

False Pep Talk.jpg

Pump and Dump Story Smev 1

smev story 2

Ironically, Pdgood on Investors Hub once described Eric Noveshen as: man on ground

smev story 3

smev story 4


Noveshen False Accusations Against his Wife Proves Ribotsky’s claim he is “Off the Wall”

Eric Noveshen’s False Accusations Against his Wife Proves Corey Ribotsky’s claim Noveshen is “Off the Wall” 

It’s one thing to defraud unknowns in business as people behind stock scams do, but quite another to defame and defraud the woman you marry. Documents filed 10-years ago by Eric Noveshen show he will stop at nothing to free himself of financial obligations. He stoops so low as to call his ex-wife mentally ill, claim she physically attacked him and harassed him. Investigations into her background show she is far from the woman he describes.

Sounds like the desperate cry of narcissist tantrum. How does this relate to business? If he will do this to his own wife…just imagine if he doesn’t get his way in a business relationship.


Noveshen False Accusations Against Christina Carter

Noveshen False Accusations Against Christina Carter

Noveshen False Accusations Against Christina Carter3

Noveshen LIES calls Carter Mentally ill

Business Community What does “Off the Wall” say about a VC?

A viewer recently asked what it means when a business man is described as “off the wall,” as Eric Noveshen was described by Corey Ribotsky, former head of the now defunct NIR Group in a deposition:

Eric Noveshen can be off the wall

We would love to hear thoughts from the business community or anyone else. What did Corey Ribotsky mean?

For anyone interested in more info or updates on the latest on the governments efforts to collect the $14.5 million the NIR Group scammed from investors, check out this interesting read:

Continue reading Business Community What does “Off the Wall” say about a VC?

Abuse of Florida Courts, Eric Noveshen’s 42 Cases

A November 9th blog, “Noveshen wants Pity, Plays Attorney,” referenced the Broward County resident’s 29 frivolous cases since 2005. We looked closer into it and would like to make a correction. Since 2002 Eric Noveshen was sued,  or counter-sued a person /company in 42 cases since 2003! We were asked if we have a list. Took a while but we found one.

The worst kind of Pro Se litigant is the one who thinks he’s smarter than other lawyers and even the judge. Broward County’s version of Roy Pearson (the infamous “pants lawsuit”) where Pearson demanded $67 million because a dry cleaner fried his pants. Noveshen is almost that extreme. He abuses and uses local and Federal courts, it appears, to clear his credit card debts, to live free without having to pay mortgage or property taxes and to exact revenge on those he has stolen money from who dared try to collect. The sick part is he seems to enjoy it. Noveshen wrote on his Facebook, “Eric Noveshen is a legal eagle.” After getting The Honorable Judge Horowitz to requse himself – after Noveshen tried three times and finally got his way by personally insulting the Judge.

Noveshen has sued as a plaintiff or filed a counter-suit in over 29 cases since 2005. (Correction – 42 cases in 12 years)

42 vexatious cases demonstrate Noveshen’s dirty legal tactics: Lies in pleadings; stall tactics (filing worthless appeals to the 4th DCA of Florida); Disregard for Federal and State Rules of Civil Procedure; Using friendships with Judges and Mediators to win favor in his cases.

Eric Noveshen Broward Court HouseEric Noveshen entering the Employees and Attorney’s Only Entrance at Broward Court House

Noveshen Cases 1

Noveshen Cases 2

Noveshen Cases 3Noveshen Cases 5Noveshen Cases 4



Pro Se Noveshen wants Pity but Plays Attorney

The worst kind of Pro Se litigant is the one who thinks he’s smarter than other lawyers and even the judge. Broward County’s version of Roy Pearson (the infamous “pants lawsuit”) where Pearson demanded $67 million because a dry cleaner fried his pants. Noveshen is almost that extreme. He abuses and uses local and Federal courts to clear his credit card debts, to live free without having to pay mortgage or property taxes and to exact revenge on those he has stolen money from who dared try to collect. The sick part is he enjoys it. He’s been a plaintiff or filed a counter-suit in over 29 cases since 2005. 

I have seen Noveshen a dozen times arriving to court using the door for Attorneys only. He thinks he’s too good to have to stand in the line for non-lawyers. Gotta hand it to him though he’s a gifted con-artist. He claims he can’t afford an attorney so Judges should take pity on him. Poor guy, he’s only successfully gamed the court system to his advantage for about a half a million dollars. In another 5 years it might be a million if Broward County in particular and other courts don’t see him for what he really is.

Eric Noveshen Broward Court House

Eric Noveshen using the Employees and Attorneys Only Entrance at the Broward County Court House

LEGAL EGO Eric Noveshen : Vexatious Litigant

It’s possible Eric Noveshen has a legal ego bigger than the State of Florida. In recent legal filings he tells the Federal Court:

“The Plaintiff [Noveshen] should not have to teach the Defendant’s very capable four (4) law firms and eight (8) attorneys about the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Maybe this Honorable Court can provide some guidance….” 

The Court should educate Noveshen on the definition of “vexatious litigant, and sanction him properly, but with a LEGAL EGO like Noveshen’s he certainly can explain why he is justified in filing so many lawsuits, right?

Florida defines a “Vexatious litigant”:1. A person who, in the immediately preceding 5-year period, has commenced, prosecuted, or maintained, pro se, five or more civil actions in any court in this state, except an action governed by the Florida Small Claims Rules, which actions have been finally and adversely determined against such person or entity; or

Should not have to teach attorneys2

“Where’s Eric Noveshen lately?” Pdgood knew the truth in 2010

Whoever “pdgood” is, he has been on to Noveshen since at least 2008. Anyone considering doing business with him, it’s worth a trip to the Investors Hub website to get educated on what PD knows. This was posted January 17, 2010.


Where’s Eric Noveshen lately?
He posted here a couple a times. He’s the dude that brokered deals for NIR. I was told he had a close relationship with Med Gen who I believe was taken over by NIR after their offshre boiler room scams came public. Noveshen and his company Envision Capital are right down there in S. Florida in the middle of the mix. Was Corey smart enough ta change that relationship?

wheres eric n