Category Archives: Investor Information

Investors Hub Defends Privacy Rights of Members

While Eric Noveshen is in pursuit of Does its good to know that  defends the right to speak openly truthfully and anonymously online.

Many seasoned members have posted praise for Investor Hub’s commitment to protecting the identity of its speakers.


Without anonymity the site certainly would not have so many active members. That’s not to say Ihub allows people to come on its site and break the law. They don’t, but Eric Noveshen can’t expect to go on the site and trash talk people like Daniel Jacobs, Ella Licht and Scott Webber then expect no one will throw a curve ball back describing Noveshen’s own actions in the micro cap world.

The following is from, an informative piece about Investor Hubs commitment to protect the identity of its users.


To quote the article by investment goddess Brenda Hamilton, “A third subpoena went to online message board site Investor’s Hub (IHub). IHub, unlike the two clearing firms, chose to respond quickly. It objected that the subpoena was overly broad, requiring the production of tens of thousands of posts “relating to Calissio,” and personal information about dozens of the site’s members. IHub objected that “COR Clearing has failed to identify any actionable post in the underlying litigation. Nor has COR Clearing demonstrated that any of the Posters have any other potentially relevant or discoverable knowledge.” Noting that “similar subpoenas are frequently used to harass, intimidate and/or silence anonymous critics,” IHub asserted that the subpoena was a violation of its privacy policy and other contractual commitments to its members, adding that compliance with it would cause it to violate the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.”

A few of Noveshen’s unsavory posts about Florida Micro and it’s CEO Daniel Jacobs.


Federal and State laws offer the Noveshen and his John Does the same protections to write opinions and or negative things as long as they are true or based on truth


New Regime, Same Goals: Inform, Expose Truth

A Personal farewell.
In November 2015 I agreed to take over this blog for six months. Then it was inconceivable that one man could generate enough solid news worthy public documents detailing fraud and other strife to cover more than six months. Wrong. Noveshen continues to fire off documents detailing his hypocrisies, frauds and illustrating how his mind control of a few makes him no more than a propaganda spewing dictator. 
Eric Noveshen is a propaganda machine. He is a one man conspirator who takes others under his wing turns them and they must operate in total secrecy as he convinces them the conspiracy is against “me” or “us.” It is made easier with a mother that appears genetically different in build, height, eye and hair color. She either plays his conspiracy, pity me game very well or more likely taught him how to play it and guilt persuades her to feed the beast she manufactured. Noveshen makes the decisions, dictates the actions to his disciples. The Noveshen conspiracy only works because he alone controls the flow of information. Noveshen even controlled the flow of information of this blog while it sat idle for almost a year until the original creator agreed to step down.   
Articulating the many atrocities committed openly exposes Noveshen to resistance and he does not like resistance to his mandates. Hence Noveshen’s crusade to stop any reporting done about him. To bury it on page five. Noveshen’s efforts are non-persuasive. Reposts of sports scores is weak. Nothing original because he keeps his real missions secret among those who agree to be part of the conspiracy. Posting decade old photographs on sites like Classmates – where for some unknown reason he states he graduated from Castor Valley high school (he did not) are as weak or more. 
To change the public ideologue Noveshen must change his behavior and that he will not do. Dictators do not take orders even when they know they are wrong. He stomps his feet and cries foul in court to feed his co-conspirators one more lie to keep him afloat another day
Noveshen claims he went into finance because he sees himself as a Bud Fox. The Charlie Sheen of the 80s, powerful wealthy, not bad on the eyes. Noveshen is not even a 2015 Charlie Sheen. In person Noveshen, with his blood-shot angry eyes and middle tire, is more a cross of Hannibal Lecter and Larry the Cable Guy (humble opinion).
Eyes desperate to render reporting of Noveshen’s true actions, including non-profit media pages like this, obsolete. This hinders the ability of Noveshen’s co-conspirators to process and decode the facts and public documents on this site for themselves. Dictators only work if they can keep their fans ignorant of the truth and infiltrate with fear. Noveshen attempts to cover his mis-deeds with the same patterns over and over. It is time to find a different decoy. The woman he sent in the moo-moo sneaking into the office during non-hours. Naming the same cases in motion after motion with the same trite wording serves only to expose the attorneys who let Noveshen file under their bar number. Did they think everyone too stupid to notice that a man who did not graduate from college writes the anger filed pages? This points to the conspiracy functions of the attorneys, “business associates” and others Noveshen surrounds himself with.

The swath of secrets and those willing to perpetuate his lies keeps Noveshen afloat. 

It is pathetic hearing Noveshen and his shills lament how he is a target how justice for him is impossible when he claims outside of the other side of his mouth, laughing, how he has lawyers eating out of his hand claiming they learn from me.
Intriguing as it might be to be taught law school lessons by Hannibal and Larry, I will pass. I leave you in good hands. My successor is every bit as troubled by the beast and motivated to help prevent others from falling victim to Noveshen scams by exposing them. The rules remain the same: to be published a story must be based on evidence. Documents are preferred. The twenty or so videos we’ve been sent of Noveshen walking in and out of airports, restaurants and bars does not educate or inform potential investors or loan officers. Documentation of Noveshen’s gaming, refusals to pay bills, loans and the legal windstorm he creates when people / companies attempt to collect Noveshen’s debts is the kind of news reported here. Do svidaniya.  

Man Jailed for Defrauding Michigan Investors in 2014 was Connected to Noveshen’s Penny Stock PNOW

Thanks to all from the press freedom convention who helped with our new encrypted drop. We are pleased that it has offered more identity protection to sources who wish to remain anonymous. Similar programs are used by internationally recognized press organizations who expose wrong doing in war zones, governments; legal systems; business operations and more.

Today we feature one product of the system that automatically encrypts identifying information.

According to our source, and fact checking, many at micro cap stock Pure Hospitality Solutions, PNOW, claimed the company was not connected to Pat Hundley who was jailed in 2014 in Costa Rica for allegedly defrauding close to $7-million from Michigan investors. PNOW was formerly called  OTHM before it changed its symbol in Fall 2014. Eric Noveshen is a consultant to the stock though he claims for purposes of a lawsuit against this website not to be. Much like OTHM claimed to have no affiliation with Patrick Hundley after his arrest.

PNOW reportedly ran between five to eleven pump and dump stock scam cycles in the last decade.

Ken Chua, the Chairman and CEO at the Time of signing this document, was sanctioned by the British Colombia Securities Commission in August 2014 and later resigned his position to Melvin Pereira, who remains the CEO today.  The BCSC commission found that Ken Chua “continues to pose a risk to our investors and our markets.”

This document proves a connection between Hundley, Pereira and Chua.



Man Accused of Fraud Against Michigan Investors


Blog Serves Public Interest of Investors And Promotes Noveshen is Willing to ‘Play Ball’

Eric Noveshen has a knack for the poor me story (as stated by his grandmother in a letter the last blog).

Now he’s asking the court to shut down this blog claiming that he can’t get work. Anyone who knows what kind of work Noveshen does can see this blog is the best advertisement for hire Noveshen’s ever had.

You can’t go on a LinkedIn resume and write “I’m down to play dirty ball in microcap stock fraud.”

This blog does that for him in shining colors. So the false loss of work story is not why Noveshen wants this down. This blog helps him get work.

Noveshen wants this blog down because while those companies want guys who will play dirty, but Noveshen doesn’t want to show them he’s on the radar of the SEC, FINRA and the Department of Justice. And don’t forget the many financial investigative reporters lurking in the background just waiting to break their next story.

To remove this blog would be an injustice to the Public, to anyone considering entering the microcap stock market. According to Investopedia, “Penny stocks aren’t a lost cause, but they are very high-risk investments that aren’t suitable for all investors. If you can’t resist the lure of micro caps, make sure you do extensive research and understand what you are getting into.”

The full article explains why extensive research is often hard to come by, the promoters and consultants make it that way on purpose. They don’t want you to know that $5000 suit you are about to buy online is stained before you click order.

The Lowdown On Penny Stocks” | Investopedia

Yes we also cover Noveshen’s grotesque abuse of the Broward County and Florida court systems and his willingness to steal money from his own family because that’s called transparency folks. If you’re going to invest your money in a penny stock you should have the right to know if one of its main consultants will take from his own family then he’ll probably take from you. The public should have the right to this knowledge.

Penny stocks are a fools game.

“You’re betting against the house – and the house always wins,” according to reporter John Divine, in 5 Reasons to Avoid Penny Stocks at all Costs. “Everyone remembers the grandma who won the $10 million jackpot playing the slot machine.

“5 Reasons to Avoid Penny Stocks at All Costs”

“But no one recalls the 100,000 players who lost $100 apiece to pay her out. No news articles are written about the next 100,000 gamblers who flushed their hard-earned savings into the casino’s bottom line.

To take this information down would be a disservice to the public interest. AND THERE WILL BE MORE PENNY STOCK INVESTORS VICTIM and victims to other financial scams orchestrated and calculated by Eric Noveshen and his crew.

5typesEric Noveshen anti freedom of speech

“You Up Ta Speed on Shorting?”


Yesterday’s blog, “Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees” generated a lot of emails. One claimed to have been a victim of the NIR, Daryl Dworkin, Eric Noveshen, Medgen PR scam. Almost any email of relevance said look at the pattern of shorting.

Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam – Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees

This is what Pdgood said on too, “You up ta speed on shorting? Eric wants no part of the questions that would be asked about Medgen, Robins as CEO of ECMH…Eric was front and center in all these scams.” 

As explained, Noveshen was a PIPE deal finder for a New York hedge fund NIR. Noveshen found small or struggling companies that needed funding. He would offer funding from NIR, with a catch. The company had to pay large fees for PR, to a PR company chosen by NIR. That company was Boca Raton based Medgen, a money laundering factory disguised as a producer of holistic health products.

The PR money was and split between Dworkin of NIR, Noveshen of Envision Capital, and Paul Kravitz head of Medgen.

From the affidavit of the CEO of the Juniper Group, an NIR (AJW Funds) funded company confirmed that the funded companies were required to pay money to Medgen (Paul Kravitz) for “PR” and “Consulting”.





NIR illegally shorted a long list of stocks of the companies it funded. The pattern of shorting and other securities frauds committed by NIR is spelled out in many lawsuits against NIR and its AJW Funds. Note* it fits the same pattern of stock manipulation that Ajene Watson and Eric Noveshen are accused of in the Simulated Technologies/Licht v. Watson lawsuit.

Read for yourselves….very similar illegal patterns. Dworkin and Ribotsky are out of the game for a few years, but Ajene Watson and Eric Noveshen have carried on these stock manipulations in other stocks such as Oriens (OTHM), changed name to Pure Hospitality (PNOW) in 2014. Stock fraudster hospitality, if you’re an investor you’ll never forget it. 






EMTA Short.jpg

EMTA Short2




Allen Licht v. Ajene Watson, et. al 




More details of this case found here: 

Highlights of Noveshen Pump and Dump

More information on stock shorting:

Regulators Investigating Firms Sub-Account Use in Shorting Stocks

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech

Eric Noveshen’s Biggest Financial Scam – Money Laundering Through Consulting Fees

Eric Noveshen Securities Fraud, Chapter One:  Medgen

Look at the Medgen connection. Funds were laundered through Medgen via consulting fees..Drill inta those underlyin docs that support the 800k…at least a small portion.” 


Source – 

If you want to understand a story you have to start at the beginning. Why was Eric Noveshen issued a federal indictment in 2010? How did Eric Noveshen get in a position to loan Automatic Slims over $1-million dollars in 2006? How did Noveshen get so tight with Arthur Robbins? How did Noveshen get in a position to pay Cosi $400,000 for the franchise rights to open shops in South Florida? – Medgen.

We love – its essential if you want to learn about penny land. In particular these screen names share a wealth of knowledge -Janice Shell, cyberbullymouse, nodummy and renee are just some who post essential information.

We can’t forget pdgood, who once said his info might be early, but it’s never off topic. We should have looked into his advice regarding the Eric Noveshen scam story long ago.

Here’s how Noveshen ended up with all that money. Noveshen was a PIPE deal finder for a New York hedge fund called NIR – that was sued and shut down by the SEC for many securities violations in 2011. Noveshen found small or struggling companies that needed funding. The white knight would offer funding from NIR, with a catch. The company had to pay large fees for PR, to a PR company chosen by NIR.

Here’s where it gets twisted. Boca Raton based company Medgen supposedly was “establised to manufacture, sell and license healthcare products” according to a company report below. But they didn’t make money doing that so “management started a Financial Consulting service.” – The PR service NIR required companies they funded to use. 


The consulting fees show up in the financial reports that PD said to drill into. He was point on, 100% correct.


Source –



In the end of 2007, Medgen reported a 191% increase in YTD revenue. What? Sounds like those impossible Madoff numbers. But it wasn’t from their BS snoring solution it was from consulting fees laundered through an alternative health product company.

In one quarter there were near $800,000 in consulting fees buried in the report. Noveshen had to kicks some of that back to Daryl Dworkin who was Noveshen’s insider at NIR. In 2010 Dworkin pleaded guilty to taking kickback money from two PIPE deal finders, Eric Noveshen was one of them.

Corrupt Pipe Deal Finder 5


What a scam huh? We told you Noveshen was a great financial scam artist. Read em for yourselves here:

medgen ending 2007

Medgen report 2008

2nd quarter ended 3/31/08, Product sales: $72,937    Fees Consulting Services: $419,411  ??





Did no one think it odd that a company that produced natural health care products suddenly added “consulting” and “PR services” and revenues suddenly shot up 191%?

Our information might be early, it might be late, but it is never off topic. When Noveshen tells you this site is full of hogwash “drill” into the documents for yourselves folks. Wish we had long ago. If we can save one person from being defrauded by Eric Noveshen then we can sleep at night without Snorez!

We wonder, the federal indictment that Noveshen got sealed by rolling on NIR’s Daryl Dworkin in 2010, was Noveshen exonerated of all the money laundering through Medgen too or was he just let off the hook for paying kickbacks to Dworkin? Pocketing a nice cut of $800,000 a quarter for a year isn’t chump change.

As pd said, “THE OCTOPUS HAS MANY TENTICLES” – Noveshen’s financial scams are still going on, this very day in June 2016. Don’t get played by this financial playa! 



Why did the US Attorney General, SEC & DOJ let Eric Noveshen walk after having him on paying illegal kickbacks to NIR Hedge Fund?

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech

Memorial Day Reminder -Recognize Red Flags of Stock Scams


On this day we salute those who gave all. A message to those who “take all”stock fraud is very unpatriotic.

Defrauding fellow Americans and other investors around the world might make you nice living, but ever think about the livings of those you are scamming? Maybe its a war hero? Did he or she lose a limb? Did he or she just get back from duty in Afghanistan while you sat behind a computer posting fake hype to get him to invest in a shell you stuffed a fake company in? Maybe that $5,000 invested in your penny stock means nothing to you but is half of someones retirement?

Note to investors: perpetrators of stock fraud do not care. REPORTERS, the SEC, FINRA, POLITICIANS and the COURTS can’t catch all the microcap stock fraud so educate yourselves before investing.


The Seedy World of Microcap Stock Advisors


Microcap companies – SEC Says Check Out People Running The Company

The SEC, in a page designed to help those interested in investing in Microcap stocks advises people to check out the people running the company. What happens when that information is concealed? Investors often feel the rub.

Microcap companies – What’s So Important About Public Information?

In the microcap world, consultants or people who lend money to micro companies who then can’t pay the debts back then have to pay in large blocks of stock, which they usually sell off fast and drive the price of the stock to nothing. Often, the same consultants and lenders go from company to company repeating the same frauds. Investors have a right to know the history of an individual in control of their money. If an individual has any ties to past scam companies, this information is either totally concealed or hard to find.

“Of potentially greater concern is that the lack of reliable, readily available information about some microcap companies can open the door to fraud. It’s easier for fraudsters to manipulate a stock when there’s little or no information available about the company.”

“Publicly-available information about microcap stocks, including penny stocks  often is scarce.  This makes it easier for fraudsters to spread false information.  In addition, it is often easier for fraudsters to manipulate the price of microcap stocks because microcap stocks historically have been less liquid than the stock of larger companies.”

Before investing in a microcap, the SEC advises:

  1. Read carefully the most recent reports the company has filed with the SEC and pay attention to the company’s financial statements, particularly if they are not audited or not certified by an accountant.
  2. Check out the people running the company with your state securities regulator, and find out if they’ve ever made money for investors before. Also ask whether the people running the company have had run-ins with the regulators or other investors.

Who pulling the strings inside a company is a significant information that investors in all types of publicly traded companies should have the right to.  But often if you read the fine print of a financial report you will find a statement like these: (pulled from real reports)

“On September 4, 2015, the Company entered into a consulting agreement, effective October 1, 2015, for an initial term of three months”

“the Company entered into consulting agreements with four sons of its President, for their respective consulting services at a rate of $29,000, respectively.”

With Who? Or the consulting agreement will be with a company, you have no idea who the actual people are you’re giving your money to. If you look up the company it can be some ambiguous company registered to another company.

Information is investors best weapon against fraud. Fraudsters don’t want their information public.

This is why we support reporters like Teri Buhl, be thank ful for her trademark “Smashmouth Investigative Journalism” probing and asking the questions and reporting stories fraudsters don’t want told. She dug deep into the NIR debocal that caused investors to lose millions that the government could never recover. All this is relevant to this site because of NIRs storied PIPE deal finder Eric Noveshen – knowing the players is important when thousands of people have their money on the line.

Some of the comments posted on her reports:

I have lost a huge portion of my retirement in the NIR fund, AJW Offshore. Corey Ribotsky seems to be doing well and I need to contact him regarding my losses. I need Corey’s phone or email address. Help!

December 9, 2011 at 1:06 pm
Can you please look into the NIR payment arrangement with the Itronics settlement.
I think you’ll be startled at what you uncover. In a nutshell, Itronics has been committing fraud on multiple levels. They agreed to settle with NIR for $8M+ payable in shares or cash. The company has zero cash yet they only added about $600k worth of shares to their outstanding share count since the May 4, 2011 payout commencement date. This means NIR is being paid in something other than just shares. It’s widely speculated that ITRO is grossly understating revenues and selling silver off the books to pay this settlement or some other nefarious scheme. Perhaps they have a deal with silver? Nobody knows for sure but I’d bet my bottom dollar that NIR is receiving dirty money from ITRO and may very well be complicit in the scheme.

Itronics the good ole fertilizer company, Eric Noveshen had his hand in that cookie jar. Last year he claimed he wasn’t connected to NIR, for good reason, but don’t investors have the right to know?

From a 2009 deposition of Corey Ribotsky:

Envision Capital





Curt Kramer? Connect the dots again…Noveshen worked with Kramer in a pump and dump of a Florida based company, SMEV that resulted in a federal lawsuit in 2012, Allen Licht v. Ajene Watson et. al (Noveshen was a defendant). Bet Allen Licht wish he knew this information prior to signing a deal with him.

Curt Kramer was blacklisted by FINRA in 2013.


EDWY, edoorways – another pump and dump Noveshen benefited from in 2009-10, as noted in Allen Licht v. Ajene Watson et. al.  Warning: the circle isn’t too big folks.