Tag Archives: Fraud on the Court

Noveshen Plagiarized Defamation Lawsuit. Is Plagiarism Perjury?

Eric Noveshen plagiarized a controversial part of his massive defamation lawsuit! 

Noveshen brazenly copied and pasted almost word- for- word his court pleadings where he tells the court he is in constant fear “of bodily harm, injury, and even death to him,” due to Defendants “subjecting him to what is in effect a Fatwah which is an open call for any and all militant Jihadi Muslims should kill Plaintiff.” 

It was recently discovered that Noveshen plagiarized these lines that he swore were true about him from a defamation lawsuit, Montgomery v. Risen et, al. That lawsuit filed almost a year before Noveshen’s concerned a book written by a national security reporter and author, James Risen, about the NSA and CIA. 

Noveshen’s copy and pasted words were about another man. Does that make Noveshen’s pleadings plagiarism or perjury or both? Can we believe anything in Noveshen’s Complaints? What is could be plagiarized? 

  1. February 24, 2015 – Montgomery v. Risen Complaint filed in Federal Court includes these statements: “ISIS has openly pledged to kill members of the US military and persons who are associated with the US military and their families. And “Defendants have subjected plaintiff Montgomery to what is in effect a Fatwah which is an open call for any and all militant Jihadi Muslims should kill Plaintiff Montgomery.” And “Defendants have placed Plaintiff Montgomery in immediate fear of bodily harm, injury, and death to him and his family members.” p7563462Eric Noveshen anti Muslim
  2. December 4, 2015 – Noveshen files his first of now four amended Complaints in his defamation lawsuit. Noveshen plagiarizes the lines from the Montgomery v. Risen lawsuit. Noveshen removes the name Montgomery and states, “Defendants by posting defamatory as defendant John Doe #16 aka Igbal Al-Rahim have subjected Plaintiff to what is in effect a Fatwah, which is an open call that any and all militant Jihadi Muslims should kill Plaintiff. Noveshen also plagiarized this sentence “Isis has openly pledged to kill persons who are associated with the US and their families particularly identified by Islamic Jihad organizations and terrorists.” 

Noveshen also plagiarizes, and arguably commits perjury by copying the NSA / CIA book lawsuit pleading word-for-word: “Defendants have placed plaintiff in immediate fear of bodily harm, injury, and even death to him.” How much will Noveshen lie to illicit sympathy from juries and judges? He stole his pleadings from another man’s experience.  

3. January-March 2016- This blog (not knowing about the existence of the Montgomery v Risen lawsuit) published a blog asking how Noveshen came up the story that “Defendants by posting defamatory as defendant John Doe #16 aka Igbal Al-Rahim has subjected Plaintiff to what is in effect a Fatwah.” The only explanation at the time was that Noveshen thought or just wanted to see if the COURT would buy his legal argument that just because someone with an Arabic name posted a comment about him, that means terrorists want to kill him. Logical? Not really. Racist? Maybe. Looking for pity by lying? Who knew Noveshen was daring enough to rip off lines from another lawsuit!  


4.  March 9, 2016 Noveshen files a First Amended Complaint saying a second time: 


5.  June 2016 – Defendant Welter files a Motion to Dismiss and claims Noveshen’s story of a Fatwa make the lawsuit seem not plausible. 

6.  July 28, 2016 Noveshen changes his argument in his Second Amended Complaint. Maybe he thought someone would find out he plagiarized the Montgomery lawsuit or maybe he thought court would think it ridiculous that terrorists were after him just because someone with an Arabic name made a comment about him that made no threats or references to anything to cause fear. 

7. Noveshen (thinking the Judge and jury will never hear about what he wrote in his first two Complaints) whips up a false story that this blog for no reason called him a racist. Noveshen leaves out the part about his claims in the December 2015 Complaint that was the basis of the blog. 


8.  Noveshen then in both his Second and Third Amended Complaints plagiarizes yet another writer in his lawsuit again word- for- word in trying to paint his ex girlfriend Defendant Welter as a racist. Noveshen plagiarized a blog written by British journalist, author and public commentator Melanie Phillips in 2010 and implied to the Court that this it was written by his ex-girlfriend. 




Plagiarism and Perjury – there’s probably more where it came from (in Noveshen’s lawsuit). Keep digging folks and send in your findings.  

Plagiarism- an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author. 

Broward Courts – Cut Vexatious Litigation Free Up Money $ for Security

Frivolous Litigation Broward Court


When a man accused of murder jumped out of a jury box just prior to a hearing and escaped from the Broward County Courthouse on Friday, July 15th, the internet blew up with commentary declaring who was to blame.


Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said lack of funding for security is partly to blame.

“We have been battling with Broward County for three years now asking for adequate staffing for a courthouse that was understaffed since the day I became Sheriff of Broward County,” Israel said in a press conference Friday morning. “If the County is listening we need more money, we need more people.”

People flocked to sites like Jaablaw.com to voice their opinions, many saying it was an inside job.


Source: www.jaablaw.com

The comments are comical to read and spot on. Sheriff Israel on Sunday stopped short of saying it was an inside job but did say the escapee had accomplices and could not explain how the suspect got out of handcuffs or had a key for the cuffs. Four people have been arrested in connection with the escape so far.

Maybe Broward County should cut down on the amount of frivolous litigation it allows and the County Commissioners would have MORE MONEY FOR COURTHOUSE SECURITY for real litigation. Might also cut down on the amount of lawyers, court reporters and court affiliated readers who label Broward Courts a “circus” in courthouse news commentary.

In one quick search online as a layperson with no court affiliation you can find seven individuals, including Eric Noveshen, who have filed litigation this year who can legally be deemed a vexatious litigant. If given the access Chief Judge Weinstein and his staff have to court filings that number is much higher. Someone needs to start cross-referencing, building a better list of vexatious litigants and not be afraid to declare them VL. Sure frivolous filers will march to the Fourth DCA to appeal the decision of the unlucky Judge who has to make that call, its the nature of the vexatious beast. But the issue is black and white as outlined by the Florida Supreme Court. Someone either meets the criteria of a vexatious litigant or not.

Weinstein and Broward County Commissioners should encourage and support and Judges who enforce Florida’s vexatious litigant law. It serves the residents of Broward for the Courts to cut down on frivolous litigation so the Court can serve those with legit litigation at the best capacity. That includes keeping court-goers safe.

Once a plaintiff or counter plaintiff pays the $400 filing fee they can file motions for years without ever paying another dime. After the $400 filing fee, tax payers pick up the bill for for the clerks, security, other court staff and the Judge to handle frivolous lawsuits. This must be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The frivolous filers should foot the bill, not tax payers. This would certainly free up money to staff Broward’s Courts with additional deputies and security. And for the courthouse to police those who might be involved with inside fraud jobs such as assisting in an escape.

Eric Noveshen Vexatious Litigant

Noveshen Asking the Court to Conceal Stories about his Abuse of Courts

Ft. Lauderdale Man Refuses to Pay Mortgage, Ties Lender Up in Court

Noveshen’s Five Frivolous Steps To Avoid Paying Credit Card Bills

Novsehen sued by American Express

Avoid Foreclosure While Not Paying Your Mortgage, in Broward Court like Noveshen, Deny-Delay

Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech




Lil Wayne – Avoid Your American Express Bill With this 5-Step Frivolous Litigation Technique!

Novsehen sued by American Express

What does Eric Novsehen have in common with rap star Lil Wayne? Both are being sued by American Express according to court documents filed in the last six weeks.

Lil Wayne is being sued for $86,396.75 in unpaid bills. Eric Noveshen was sued in Broward County, Florida in 2008 by American Express for a similar amount, $81,354.24. Noveshen was sued again by Amex in June 2016 for $29,000 for new unpaid bills.

Behold the 5-Step Eric Noveshen Wipe-Out-Debt with Frivolous Litigation Playbook

It works! By running American Express to the Broward Courts for six years, Noveshen was able to get them to settle his $81K debt for only $30,000 and he didn’t have to pay a dime of legal fees! That’s $50,000 of FREE MONEY Noveshen got to spend on the dime of other Amex card holders. 


The only downside, you have to file A LOT of FRIVOLOUS motions. See how many here:

Amex V Wilson Noveshen Docket

Young Money Welcome to Free Money! Here’s how it works: 

Claim Credit Card Company Harassed You, Wipe Out Your Debt!

1. First claim you were not served:


2. Play Victim. Claim AmEx is “harassing” and causing you “emotional discomfort” by trying to collect the money you owe them: 

adccamexScam to Avoid Credit Card Eric Noveshencc33amex

3. Ask the Judge to sanction Amex for trying to collect money you owe them.

4. When American Express gets a judgment despite all your frivolous filings, file an appeal at your state Appeals Court. This delays and maybe Amex will settle with you:

Frivolous Appeal Florida 4th DCA

5. You are likely to lose the appeal, as Noveshen did. But by this time Amex will have spent so much legal money they might agree to mediation.

Pull some strings and find a mediator office you have a friend of a friend who works there like people speculate Noveshen did. Amex lawyers won’t know and may not care they are only hired by Amex, you’ll have a leg up.

Noveshen did exactly that and after six years of burdening the Broward Court of Florida with frivolous litigation he was able to settle his $80,000 bill for less than half – $30,000. – $50,000 of free money for Noveshen at the expense of Broward County tax payers and American Express card holders who pay more in fees for frivolous litigation like this. But we think Noveshen relates to your lyrics: You observin it, I’m absorbin it, Judge mad cause a n—a make more than him.” 

Novsehen sued by American Express


Eric Noveshen /his company Bridgwater Advisors were sued agiain by American Express for unpaid bills of $29,000. You can watch that case to see if Noveshen has any new legal tricks up his sleeve to get out of paying debt. It’s brilliant on one hand, on the other it’s a shame the legal system allows it to burden the courts.

Noveshen refuses to pay American Express - Again

Noveshen refuses to pay American Express - Again


Noveshen Accuses Two Moms of Same Parenting Crimes

Eric Noveshen claims that BOTH of the women he had children with are basically terrible parents. Or is he projecting his own lack of parenting skills onto the women he hates because they left Eric Noveshen’s life of “financial infidelity” (as quoted by Christina Carter Roberts)

Noveshen claims the two different Moms:

  1. Cant CoParent
  2.  Alienate his children against him
  3. Claims they try to extort him for child support, despite 9 years of documents showing he fails to pay his support on time if at all (for over 9 years for all 3 children)
  4.  Calls them both women Mentally Ill
  5. Noveshen got a temporary restraining order against Christina Carter for “violence” Crazy how much he must have lied to get that one.

Are the women the problems or is the COMMON denominator Eric Noveshen???


Documents Reveal Legal Trickery Likely Got Eric Noveshen off the Hook for Domestic Abuse


Credit to someecards user card 

In our last blog we advised against visiting Eric Noveshen’s fight back site as it attempts to gain information from your computer. Instead we took the risk for you and unmasked a slew legal allegations and other dirt he’s collected on a slew of people from his sister to his one-time boss at Multaply Inc.

There’s a partial order we took interest in, its got scandal, sex, lies all the makings for a great story. But we wondered why did he only put up 3 out of 10 pages of  an order on “Petitioner’s Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order” dated April 29, 2014.

Ahh, the three pages Noveshen put up make him look innocent and his former girlfriend look like a liar. But more often than not with people like Noveshen it’s what they don’t show you that contains the real story. In pages 1-3 you see that the “Mother,” Noveshen’s Ex loses her request for a permanent restraining order. But read on and you see that the Court did issue a restraining order/order of protection against Eric Noveshen restricting visitation with his 3 year old son. Now you see why Novsehen only publishes three pages.




In the very bulky binders of paper you find paperwork that suggests that Noveshen’s standard legal trickery may have gotten him off the hook for child abuse. In our opinion that is a serious failure of the legal system.

How did Noveshen do it?

As part of his defamation lawsuit, Noveshen references a child abuse report made against him, we can’t get a copy of that nor do we really want to see it. A few weeks later a temporary restraining order was issued for the girlfriend Welter and their two children.

A hearing for a permanent restraining order was set for April 28, 2014. But on April 21, 2014, Eric Noveshen’s new attorney – Hollywood Royalty herself as she represented Kelly Rutherford – Lisa Meyers sent a letter to Welter’s attorney saying “it does not appear that we will be proceeding with the hearing of April 28.” Note the clever language, they don’t outright lie and say the hearing is canceled they just IMPLY that the hearing is not going forward. Clever attorney and quite worth a $30,000 retainer (when we recently checked).


While Welter was probably not preparing for the hearing on April 28th, Noveshen was, docket entries in the case show that Noveshen knew all along that he intended to go forward with the hearing and making Welter think there would be no hearing was a brilliant way to sneak into the Court record a 80 page plus reply and deprive Welter and her attorneys the chance to see or reply to it before they were right in front of the Judge. On April 25, 2014 Noveshen filed his papers. Flight records show that Noveshen and his mother Cheryl Wilson flew to California that weekend. Then BOOM April 28, 2014 there is Noveshen looking like an angel standing before the Judge while Welter was no where in site.

From the Transcript: 



What a sucker! In legal matters, Eric Noveshen does NOTHING in good faith, according to all the documentation we have reviewed from his countless cases.

To add insult to injury, Noveshen’s attorneys even served his paperwork “Request for Order” to Welter’s attorney’s office while they were in the hearing. See the Proof of Service below is dated April 28, 2014 – the day of the hearing!! Way to blind side the opposition! With the amount of bold lies we’ve seen across the board in Noveshen’s litigation against dozens of opponents there is no way Welter or anyone could stand a chance walking into a hearing not knowing what falsified allegations or manufactured documents the Judge might have already read without your knowledge.

What separates this story of Noveshen legal manipulation from the others is this one impacted a child. Which goes to show you if you are up against Noveshen for something simple like a contract dispute (IE ), if he will stoop to low dirty legal tricks like this in matters that involve his own child be prepared for an abundance of legal games, lies and manipulation in other matters.



Since that hearing Eric Noveshen has been using that Order to obtain sympathy of Courts and individuals. Noveshen uses this Order that he obtained through abuse of the legal system to discredit Welter and uses it in life to obtain sympathy and money. The tale of the evil woman who stole his children netted Noveshen loans of over $50,000 to help him fight to get his children back. Noveshen’s entitled to his opinion/analysis of the Order and we are entitled to ours.

If no abuse occurred why was Eric Noveshen ordered only Monitored Visitation with his son?

“Respondent Father shall have no visitation with R     .”  (From the Same Order)

What would have happened if Noveshen had NOT TRICKED WELTER INTO NOT COMING TO THE HEARING and playing by the rules and delivered his “Request for Order” to Welter 9 days prior to the hearing as he was supposed to?

If Eric Noveshen was so innocent why did he have to play so dirty? Innocent people don’t have to play games.

Fourth, you expect the public to believe you were raising three children filing reams of litigation in, (at the time, American Express v. Cheryl Wilson & Eric Noveshen, KRG v. Eric Noveshen, Noveshen v. Bridgewater Associates, Allen Licht v. Eric Noveshen, Nationstar Mortgage v. Cheryl Wilson & Noveshen and Estelle Hartman v. Eric Noveshen. ?????

Doesn’t compute.

Noveshen – as seen in case-after-case relies on games and manipulation of the Courts.





“I Was Never Served” – Eric Noveshen’s First Answer

Eric Noveshen school of law: Learn these lines:   “Defendant was never served”

“I believe Plaintiff is purporting a fraud upon the Court”      “I have numerous defenses”

“Plaintiff seeks to harass and oppress Noveshen”

A few examples for those who want to practice copy-and-paste law like Noveshen:






