Eric Noveshen’s Judicial Abuse Cloaked in Irony

Fraud on the Court

– Transcript, Eric Noveshen argues the US Constitution gives him the right to file appeals.

But does the Constitution give you the right to abuse the legal system charged with protecting those Constitutional rights? We think not. On one hand Noveshen wants to use the Constitution for his benefit on the other he wants to smother the Constitutional rights of others to discuss his abuse of the legal and financial systems of this country.

In other words he wants to have his cake, eat it too and leave crumbs all over court houses around this country!

Think a moment of the Judicial System as a person named Justice- Eric Noveshen is asking “Justice” to protect him while he abuses “Justice”

–  It just doesn’t make sense.


Fraud on the Court

On that note, we present an uncomplete list of the many cases in which Noveshen has played his dirty legal tricks to game the Court system he is now asking to shut down dialogue about him.

Noveshen Cases 2Noveshen Cases 3Noveshen Cases 1Noveshen Cases 4

KRG 4th Affirmed



Eric Noveshen anti freedom of speech






3 thoughts on “Eric Noveshen’s Judicial Abuse Cloaked in Irony”

  1. Get a life Eric Noveshan! You’ve got nothing better to do than file garbage and waste tax dollars. I don’t even know this guy but reading this blog and court docs. Total abuse of our judicial system!


  2. Id bet a million dollars Eric Novsehen never served this country. He whines like a CHUMP. Try to keep up with a Marine for ONE DAY then whine about your rights.


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